Message of H.E. Kulkumut Singhara Na Ayudhaya,
Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of the Philippines
on the occasion of the Ceremonial Turn-Over
of "SCG Sharing the Dream" Scholarship Program
Calumpit, Bulacan 13 June 2009

On behalf of the Royal Thai Embassy and Team Thailand in the Philippines, I would like to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to SCG Group in the Philippines for inviting me to the Ceremonial Check Turn-Over of the ?SCG Sharing the Dream? Scholarship Program. This event reflects the Siam Cement Group?s commendable? efforts in practicing corporate social responsibility which? returns the benefit to the society and community in the Philippines. I am truly honoured to be? a part of this worthy endeavor, whish is now on its second consecutive year of implementation. ?

SCG?s initiative in providing access to education through its three main projects: SCG Sharing the Dream, E-Knowledge and Tele-Education is very effective in promoting sustainable development in the Philippines. I am very happy to learn that many students have benefited from these projects which consists of providing assistance to cover educational expenses, installation of computer units with internet access and installation of satellite television? with Knowledge Channel.

It is also a pleasure to learn that SCG has enjoyed partnership with the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc. in implementing this meaningful program. I am confident that this good partnership and networking will not only translate to more tangible outcomes in the years to come, but also reflect the importance that SCG attaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Philippine society.

As part of the commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and the Philippines, particularly in the area of education cooperation and human resource development, the Embassy fully supports the SCG? in its drive to sustain social and economic progress in the Philippines as well as the? work of Philippine communities to promote the advancement of education for the youth.

Again, may I congratulate all of the students as well as their families who received a privileged opportunity from SCG today. I am confident that this gesture of goodwill will further deepen our friendship and ensure more cooperation between the Thai and Philippine communities.