April 2019 Holidays
Hits: 3995
New Visa, Legalization, and Consular Service Fees
Hits: 5402
Temporary Visa on Arrival (VoA) Fee Exemption Scheme
Hits: 4795
Successful Candidate for the Position of the Economic Assistant
Hits: 4760
Tender Project for Thailand's Electronic Passport (Third Phase)
Hits: 3878
List of Applicants selected for Interview for Assistant Analyst Position
Hits: 3966
January 2018 Holiday
Hits: 3608
List of Applicants invited to take the Written Exam for Assistant Analyst Position
Hits: 4476
Keynote Speech by H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand,“ASEAN in 2019: Thailand’s Chairmanship”
Hits: 3942
The Royal Thai Embassy in Manila Vacancy Announcement
Hits: 4652