Successful candidates for interview Position Driver
Launch of Online E-VISA Application Plantform
Successful candidate selected for the interview for the position of Executive Assistant to the Ambassador
Successful Candidates for Assistant Analyst
Successful Candidates for Assistant Analyst
As this year marks 75th Anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and the Philippines, Royal Thai Embassy is co-hosting with the City Goverment of Makati, San...

Announcement of the results of the "75th Anniversary of Thai-Philippine Diplomatic Relations Logo Design Contest" under the theme "Moving Forward to a New Era of Closer...

Auction of a Used Motor Vehicle
Auction of a Used Motor Vehicle

About Us

1.) Working Hours

2.) Thai Passport: For more information, please visit


a. Applicants from the following countries are required to hold a valid
Philippine permanent resident visa before applying for an E-Visa. -- Please click here

b. Applicants from the following countries who do not hold a valid Philippine permanent resident visa
will be subject to approval with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which will take 4 weeks. -- P
lease click here

c. Applicants from the following countries are required to present
their Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate for their e-Visa application. -- P
lease click here

4.) Request Form for Legalization Download

5.) New Visa, Legalization, and Consular Fees Download

6.) For further information, please go to


Royal Thai Embassy

107 Thailand (Rada) Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City

Chancery TEL : (632) 8815-4219; (632) 8815-4220;
      : (632) 8810-3833
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visa Section TEL: (632) 8810-3833 loc. 102 or 103
FAX: (632) 8817-4262
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working Hour Monday to Friday
0930 hrs. - 1230 hrs.
1330 hrs. - 1700 hrs.

Charge d'Affaires a.i.

Minister Counsellor

Mrs. Narttaporn NITIMONTREE
Minister Counsellor and Consul

Mrs. Yupawan Premchit TANIGUCHI
Counsellor (Economics)

First Secretary (Information and Protocol)

Mr. Thanapon PUTKAEW
Second Secretary (Politics)

Ms. Siwaporn PUDDWANG
Second Secretary (Finance)

Royal Thai Embassy, Manila
Official Holidays for B.E. 2554 (2011)

JANUARY 3 Monday Substitute of  New Year Day Thai/Philippine
APRIL 11 Monday Substitution for Araw ng Kagitingan Philippine
APRIL 21 Thursday Maundy Thursday Philippine
APRIL 22 Friday Good Friday Philippine
MAY 2 Monday Labour Day Philippine
MAY 13 Friday Royal Plaughing Ceremony Day Thai
MAY 17 Tuesday Visaka Bucha Day Thai
JUNE 13 Monday Substitution for the Independence Day Philippine
JUNE 20 Monday Substitute of 150th birth anniversary of Dr. Jose P. Rizal Philippine
JULY 15 Friday Arsarnha Bucha Day Thai
AUGUST 12 Friday H.M. The Queen?s Birthday Thai
AUGUST 22 Monday Ninoy Aquino Day Philippine
AUGUST 29 Monday National Heroes Day Philippine
AUGUST 30 Tuesday Eid'l Fitr Philippine
OCTOBER 24 Monday Substitution of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day Thai
NOVEMBER TBA*** TBA*** All Saints Day Philippine
NOVEMBER 30 Wednesday Bonifacio Day Philippine
DECEMBER 5 Monday Substitution for H.M. The King?s Birthday Thai
DECEMBER TBA*** TBA*** Christmas Eve Philippine
DECEMBER 30 Friday Rizal Day Philippine

*** TBA = To be announced


Office of the Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Cebu

c/o Eastern Shipping Lines
Corner Magallanes and M.J. Cuenco Streets, Cebu
P.O. Box 561 Cebu
Tel: (032) 412-1688
Fax: (032) 2548827

Mr. Roy Chiongbian
Honorary Consul

What's New

Thumbnail             On 2 March 2022, Mr. Thawat Sumitmor, Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim, accompanied by Ms. Atipha Vadhanapong, First secretary and Mr. Witsarut Piyavongsomboon, Second secretary, handed over Royal Thai...
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