Successful candidates for interview Position Driver
Launch of Online E-VISA Application Plantform
Successful candidate selected for the interview for the position of Executive Assistant to the Ambassador
Successful Candidates for Assistant Analyst
Successful Candidates for Assistant Analyst
As this year marks 75th Anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and the Philippines, Royal Thai Embassy is co-hosting with the City Goverment of Makati, San...

Announcement of the results of the "75th Anniversary of Thai-Philippine Diplomatic Relations Logo Design Contest" under the theme "Moving Forward to a New Era of Closer...

Auction of a Used Motor Vehicle
Auction of a Used Motor Vehicle

On the occasion of the 100th Day of the Demise of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on 20 January 2017,H.E. Mr. Thanatip Upatising, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of the Philippines, together with Embassy officials, Team Thailand, and the Thai community
in the Philippines, hosted a charity lunch for the eighty-eight (88) children of the Asociacion De Damas De Filipinas in Manila. The Ambassador,
on behalf of the Thai people in the Philippines, also presented a cash donation of 55,000 Pesos and in kind donations to the settlement house
in remembrance of His Majesty.

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Thumbnail             On 2 March 2022, Mr. Thawat Sumitmor, Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim, accompanied by Ms. Atipha Vadhanapong, First secretary and Mr. Witsarut Piyavongsomboon, Second secretary, handed over Royal Thai...
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