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สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงมะนิลา ขอเรียนเชิญประชาชนทั่วไปร่วมชมการถ่ายทอดสดการบรรยายของชมรมแพทย์ชนบทและมูลนิธิแพทย์ชนบท ผู้ได้รับรางวัลรามอน แมกไซไซ ประจำปี ค.ศ....

His Excellency Mr. Tull Traisorat
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of the Philippines
Presided Over the
Opening Ceremony of ‘Think Rice, Think Thailand’ Booth

on Wednesday 2 August 2022 at 10:30 hrs.

SMX Convention Center



On Wednesday 3 August 2022, His Excellency Mr. Tull Traisorat, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of the Philippines presided over the
Opening Ceremony of Thailand’s ‘Think Rice, Think Thailand’ Booth at the World Food Expo 2022 at the SMX Convention Centre in Manila.

Noting the upward trajectory of the rice trade between the countries, whereby the Philippines has imported USD 23.97 million worth of rice from Thailand between January and March this year, His Excellency the Ambassador welcomed the opportunities the event will provide to consumers and businesses to establish networks and partnerships,
as well as explore potential trade opportunities at the event.

Moreover, His Excellency the Ambassador was pleased to note that participants of the WOFEX 2022 could enjoy and experience Thai culinary through cooking demonstrations by chefs from Thai Select restaurants in Manila, an activity which will foster people-to-people connectivity and promote tourism between Thailand and the Philippines.

Further, in outlining the importance both Thailand and the Philippines attach to the promotion of food security, His Excellency the Ambassador underlined that Thailand stands ready to work closely with the Philippines in strengthening the agricultural production and supply chain, particularly through rice exports from Thailand to the Philippines.

His Excellency the Ambassador reiterated that Thailand does not have any restriction on rice exports, and is ready to contribute to the Philippines’ priority on food security, and to export rice at the level to meet the demands of the Philippines’ rice importers and consumers.

With a view to marking the 75th anniversary in 2024 of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and the Philippines, His Excellency the Ambassador emphasized that it is an opportune time for Thailand and the Philippines to enhance cooperation in numerous areas, particularly those that ensure that the safety and
well-beings of Thais and Filipinos are sustainable, and invited all stakeholders to take the rice trade between Thailand and the Philippines to a higher level.




Thumbnail เมื่อวันที่ ๒๗ มกราคม ๒๕๖๘ ระหว่างเวลา ๑๐.๓๐ - ๑๑.๑๕ น. สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงมะนิลา ได้จัดกิจกรรมจิตอาสาบำเพ็ญสาธารณกุศล เนื่องในโอกาสพระราชพิธีสมมงคลพระชนมายุเท่าพระบาทสมเด็จพระพุทธยอดฟ้าจุฬาโลกมหาราช สมเด็จพระปฐมบรมกษัตริยาธิราชแห่งพระราชวงศ์จักรี พุทธศักราช ๒๕๖๘ โดยได้บริจาคข้าวสาร อาหารแห้งและสิ่งของเครื่องใช้แก่มูลนิธิผู้สูงอายุในเมือง Makati (United Senior Citizens of Makati)...