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สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงมะนิลา

107 Thailand (Rada) Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City
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เบอร์ Hotline สถานทูตฯ (สำหรับคนไทย) +๖๓ ๙๑๗ ๘๐๖ ๓๙๗๗
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นายตุลย์ ไตรโสรัส

นายรังสรรค์ ศรีมังกร 

นางสาวกฤตรียา เล็บขาว 

นางนาฏพร นิติมนตรี 

นางยุพวรรณ เปรมจิตต์ ทานิงุจิ

นายวิศรุต ปิยะวงศ์สมบูรณ์

นายธนพล พุฒิแก้ว

นางสาวศิวพร พุดด้วง

Royal Thai Embassy, Manila

Royal Thai Embassy, Manila
Official Holidays for B.E. 2557 (2014)

1. January 1 Wednesday New Year Day Thai/Philippine
2.   31 Friday Chinese New Year Philippine
3. February 14 Friday Makha Bucha Day Thai
4. April 9 Wednesday Araw ng Kagitingan Philippine
5.   17 Thursday Maundy Thursday Philippine
6.   18 Friday Good Friday Philippine
7. May 1 Tuesday Labour Day Philippine
8. 5 Monday Coronation Day Thai
9. 13 Tuesday Visakha Bucha Day Thai
10. June 12 Thursday Independence Day Philippine
11. July 11 Friday Asarnha Bucha Day Thai
12. August 12 Tuesday Birthday Anniversary of H.M.
the Queen of Thailand
13. 21 Thursday Ninoy Aquino Day Philippine
14. 25 Monday National Heroes Day Philippine
15. October 23 Thursday King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day Thai
16. December 5 Friday Birthday Anniversary of H.M.
the King of Thailand
17. 24 Wednesday Christmas Eve Philippine
18. 25 Thursday Christmas Philippine
19. 30 Tuesday Rizal Day Philippine
20. 31 Wednesday New Year's Eve Thai/Philippine


Embassy Holidays 2017

Royal Thai Embassy, Manila
Official Holidays for B.E. 2556 (2013)

1. January 1 Tuesday New Year Day Thai
2. March 28 Thursday Maundy Thursday Philippine
3. 29 Friday Good Friday Philippine
4. April 8 Monday Special Holiday for Chakri Memorial Day Thai
5. 9 Tuesday Araw ng Kagitingan Philippine
6. 15 Monday Songkran Day Thai
7. May 1 Wednesday Labour Day Philippine
8. 6 Monday Special Holiday for Coronation Day Thai
9. June 12 Wednesday Independence Day Philippine
10. July 22 Monday Asarnha Bucha Day Thai
11. August 12 Monday H.M. the Queen’s Birthday Thai
12. 21 Wednesday Ninoy Aquino Day Philippine
13. 26 Monday National Heroes Day Philippine
14. October 23 Wednesday King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day Thai
15. November 1 Friday All Saints Day Philippine
16. December 5 Thursday H.M. the King of Thailand’s Birthday Thai
17. 24 Tuesday Christmas Eve Philippine
18. 25 Wednesday Christmas Philippine
19. 30 Monday Rizal Day Philippine
20. 31 Tuesday New Year's Eve Thai/Philippine